Ayuddhaya Era (1350-1767 A.D.) During Ayuddhaya 417 years as the capital, under the rule of 34 kings, the Thais brought their distinctive culture to fall fruition, totally rid their lands of Khom presence, and fostered contact with Arabian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and European powers. Contact with the Western countries, especially, flourished during the reign of King Narai the Great (1656-1688), in which an envoy was sent to France to agree foreign diplomacy. Founded in 1350, Ayuddhaya remained the Thai capital until it was sacked and burnt by the Burmese in 1767.
Read more Ayuddhaya Historical Park (World Heritages in Thailand).

Thonburi Era (1767-1782 A.D.) Ayuddhaya’s downfall was a severe blow to the Thais. However, the Thais revival occurred within a few months, and the Burmese were expelled by King Taksin, who ushered in the Thonburi Kingdom. Unfortunately, King Taksin built Thonburi to capital, but it was the shortest-lived capital in Thai history just 15 years powering. In 1782 the first king of the present Chakri Dynasty, Rama I (Phraphuddha Yodfa Chulaloke Maharaj) established his new capital on the site of a riverside hamlet called Baan Kok (Village of the Wild Olives).

Rattanakosin Era (1782 till present day) Among the Rattanakosin Era, two Chakri monarchs, King Mongkut (Rama IV), who reigned between 1851 and 1868, and his son King Chulalongkorn (Rama V, 1868-1910), saved Thailand from the powering tides of Western colonialism through adroit diplomacy and select modernization (cancelled the slaves-housed)
Today, Thailand is a modern constitutional monarchy. Since 1932, Thai Kings, including the present monarch His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX), have managed their Legislative powers through a national assembly, their Executive powers through a cabinet headed by a prime minister and their Judicial powers though the Courts of Law.
Thais have a deeply traditional reverence for the Royal Family. And you, a lovely visitor should be careful to show respect for the King, the Queen and the Royal Family alike.
Enjoy and spend your holiday vacations in Thailand, you’ll never forget and unbelievable what SIAM is. Amazing Thailand, the lands of thousands friendly Smiles, holiday never ends!!!