Thailand Information ;)
Thailand was known for centuries by outsiders as SIAM. It is the first
real impression on the West at the end of the 17th century, through the
reports of a series of inquisitive Frenchmen. However, they were not
the first Europeans to spend time in the kingdom. The Portuguese sent
an envoy to the Capital in 1511, shortly after they seized Malacca.
They joint resident Chinese, Japanese, Malays and Persians to make the
Siamese capital one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the vast region
now known as Southeast Asia. Modern and predominantly Buddhist, it is
the Southeast Asian kingdom whose ancient equilibrium and present
standing mingle in evolving harmony.
Thailand’s distinctive and unparalleled characteristics stem
from Indian and Chinese influences (harmoniously blended by Thai
eclecticism), rich ethnic diversity, abundant natural and human
resources, and over seven hundred years of cherished independently
(Thailand is the only important Southeast Asian Countries never to have
been colonized by Westerns). Thai traditional culture is delicately
tuned to the time honoured Buddhist’s non-confrontational approach to
life, and ideal of charity, tolerance and loving-kindness.
About Thai
History: Thais, the most historians
believe, began migrating from southern China in the early part of the
Christian era. At first they formed a number of city-states in the
northern part of what is present day Thailand, in places like Chiang
Sean, Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai, but these were never strong enough to
exert much influence outside the immediate region. Gradually the Thais
migrated further south to the broad and fertile central plains, and
expanded their dominance over nearly the entire Indochina Peninsula.
Contradictory as it may seem, however, recent archaeological
discoveries around the northeast hamlet of Baan Chiang suggest that the
World’s oldest Bronze Age civilization was flourishing in Thailand some
5,000 years ago. Read more World
Heriatages in Thailand.

Sukhothai Era (1238-1350 A.D.)
By the early 1200s the Thais had
established small northern city-states in Lanna, Phayao province and
Sukhothai one (now-a day). In 1238 two Thais chieftains, Khun Bang
Klang Tao and Khun Bang Pah Muang, successfully rebelled against Khom
suzerainty and established the first truly independent Thai kingdom in
Sukhothai province-a kingdom that was short-lived but of immense
cultural importance in the nation’s history (Loy Kra Thong-the
candle-lights floating festival). Sukhothai saw Thai’s gradual
expansion throughout the entire the Chao Phraya River basin and the
establishment of Theravada Buddhism as the paramount Thai’s region. It
was here that the first evidence of written Thai Alphabets was left,
along with distinctively Thai styles of arts such as paintings,
sculptures, architectures and literatures, which survived after
Sukhothai was absorbed by the kingdom of Ayuddhaya-a dynamic young
kingdom further south in the Chao Phraya River valley. Read more
Sukhothai Historical Park (World Heritages in Thailand)

Ayuddhaya Era (1350-1767 A.D.)
During Ayuddhaya 417
years as the capital, under the rule of 34 kings, the Thais brought
their distinctive culture to fall fruition, totally rid their lands of
Khom presence, and fostered contact with Arabian, Indian, Chinese,
Japanese and European powers. Contact with the Western countries,
especially, flourished during the reign of King Narai the Great
(1656-1688), in which an envoy was sent to France to agree foreign
diplomacy. Founded in 1350, Ayuddhaya remained the Thai capital until
it was sacked and burnt by the Burmese in 1767. Read more
Ayuddhaya Historical Park (World Heritages in Thailand)

Thonburi Era (1767-1782 A.D.)
Ayuddhaya’s downfall was a severe blow to the Thais. However, the Thais
revival occurred within a few months, and the Burmese were expelled by
King Taksin, who ushered in the Thonburi Kingdom. Unfortunately, King
Taksin built Thonburi to capital, but it was the shortest-lived capital
in Thai history just 15 years powering. In 1782 the first king of the
present Chakri Dynasty, Rama I (Phraphuddha Yodfa Chulaloke Maharaj)
established his new capital on the site of a riverside hamlet called
Baan Kok (Village of the Wild Olives).

Rattanakosin Era (1782 till present day)
Among the Rattanakosin
Era, two Chakri monarchs, King Mongkut (Rama IV), who reigned
between 1851 and 1868, and his son King Chulalongkorn (Rama
V, 1868-1910), saved Thailand from the powering tides of Western
colonialism through adroit diplomacy and select modernization
(cancelled the slaves-housed)
Today, Thailand is a modern constitutional monarchy. Since
1932, Thai Kings, including the present monarch His Majesty
King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX), have managed their Legislative
powers through a national assembly, their Executive powers through a
cabinet headed by a prime minister and their Judicial powers though the
Courts of Law.
have a deeply traditional reverence for the Royal Family. And you, a
lovely visitor should be careful to show respect for the King, the
Queen and the Royal Family alike.
and spend your holiday vacations in Thailand, you’ll never
forget and unbelievable what SIAM is. Amazing Thailand, the lands of
thousands friendly Smiles, holiday never ends!!!